And the Winners Are…
Best Pumpkin: Snake in the Grass by Dan in Sacramento, California
Most Creative: Cozy Pumpkin House by Maddy in Corvallis, Oregon
Honorable Mention: Cutie in the Snow from Silje in Lambertseter, Oslo
Kid’s Best Pumpkin: Jack by Little Frank, 10 years old in Oxnard, California
Kid’s Honorable Mention: from Ali in Charlotte, North Carolina
Congratulations to all the winners! DM me your address and full name so I can send prizes and certificates out.
Dare I say that we are all champions? Each year we embark on a creative adventure, our knives translate what our hearts and souls divine into our pumpkins. Our collective conscious effort and depth of expression breathes hope into the air for a brighter future, a better tomorrow, nay, a better world.
Thank you all for sharing your light with the pumpkin committee. It has been a great 8th Annual Bruns/Winget International Pumpkin Carving Contest.
(Soon to be…. Number 9, Number 9)
See you all next year!